Tour in Rome

Tour in Rome
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Dome of St. Peter’s Basilica Vatican City | Official Vatican City, Vatican Museum Private Guided Tours. Climb St Peter's Dome Tours and Tickets. Tours in Rome.

Dome of St. Peter’s Basilica Vatican City

Dome of St. Peter’s Basilica Vatican City | The Dome, the most glorious in the world, is a miracle of art and beauty, lavishing skill and precious materials on every square inch. It is the masterpiece of Michelangelo’s architecture (to which he devoted the last sixteen years of his life) and the most audacious architectural enterprise that has ever been attempted.

The dimensions of the dome are 405 feet (124 mt) from the floor to the base of the lantern and 448 feet (149 mt) to the top of the cross outside; the diameter is 142 feet (44 mt), the same as that of the Pantheon, as when Michelangelo began the dome, he declared he would outrival the ancient artist and suspend in the air what Emperor Hadrian had constructed on the earth, the Pantheon, whose diameter is only two feet larger than the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica.

When Michelangelo died in 1564, he had completed only the drum. After the great artist’s death, the work was suspended for about twenty-four years. It was resumed under Pope Sixtus V, who gave a new impulse to the erection of the church and appointed Giacomo Della Porta to direct the work, which was completed in the short twenty-two months by working night and day. Vatican Private Tours

Around the rim is the inscription: “ Tu es Petrus et super hanc petram Edificio Ecclesiam meam et tibi dabo Claves Regni Caelorum.” Thou art Peter, and upon this rock, I build my church and give thee the keys to Heaven’s kingdom.

The dome of St Peter’s Basilica is decorated with six orders of mosaic pictures representing Christ, the Virgin, the Apostles, saints, angels, and cherubs; on the very top is a colossal figure of the Almighty.

The cupola is supported by four giant pilasters, which serve as receptacles for preserving the four most significant relics of the church: the spear with which Longinus pierced the side of our Saviour, a portion of the true Cross, the veil bearing the impression of the Saviour’s face, and the head of St. Andrew the Apostle. The relics are high up on the balconies, ornamenting the pilasters. Official Rome Guide, Rome Walking City Tours. Dome of St. Peter’s Basilica Vatican City.

Dome of St. Peter’s Basilica Vatican City

The statues in the niches below represent St. Longinus, the soldier who pierced the Saviour’s side and, according to tradition, was afterward converted to Christianity and suffered martyrdom. The statue is the work of Bernini. St. Helen (The mother of Emperor Constantine) Holds the cross she brought to Rome from Constantinople by Bolgi. On the left, towards the tribune, is St. Veronica, who wiped the face of the Savior on the way to Calvary, Mochi. St. Andrew the Apostle by Duquesnoy. Vatican City private or group tours special entrance!!!

Monuments in Rome highlight the Vatican City. (Dome of St. Peter’s Basilica Vatican City). Vatican Museums—special offers to organize official private guided tours for individuals, large or small groups. A selection of the best tours of Rome and the Vatican includes skip-the-line tickets and exclusive entrances to enter Rome’s most important museums and art galleries. Please do not hesitate to contact us to book your tour or holiday in Rome.

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Tour in Rome
Tour in Rome