Bath of Diocletian, Rome National Museum Diocletian Baths Information, Official Rome Private Tours, corporate events, tickets to visit the thermal complex.
It began with the emperors Diocletian and Maximian in 302 A.D. It finished in 305.
These baths, the largest in ancient Rome, covered an area of about 440.000 square yards and could accommodate 3200 bathers simultaneously. Professional, expert, official tour guides of Rome.
Bath of Diocletian | Roman National Museum Diocletian Bath | Rome Private Guided Tours
The: National Roman Museum now occupies a significant part of the thermae of Diocletian.
Rome – National Roman Museum. Guide of Rome.
The museum is a precious collection of works of art discovered in the excavations of Rome and its surroundings since 1870. This first collection was enriched by the addition of the “Ludovisi Museum” bought by the Italian government in 1901. On entering the museum, we cross several halls once “Apoditerio” or dressing-room of thermae. These halls have imposing vaults giving us an idea of the development of the Roman architecture of Emperor Diocletian. They contain a collection of sarcophagi and mosaic floors belonging to the 2nd and 3rd centuries. Roman National Museum Bath of Diocletian Official Rome Private Guided Tours, Rome city Tours.
The museum is a precious collection of works of art discovered in the excavations of Rome and its surroundings since 1870. This first collection was enriched by the addition of the “Ludovisi Museum” bought by the Italian government in 1901. On entering the museum, we cross several halls once “Apoditerio” or dressing-room of thermae. These halls have imposing vaults giving us an idea of the development of the Roman architecture of Emperor Diocletian. They contain a collection of sarcophagi and mosaic floors belonging to the 2nd and 3rd centuries. Roman National Museum Bath of Diocletian Official Rome Private Guided Tours, Rome city Tours.
After crossing these halls, we reach the garden, from which, on our left, we enter the museum. 1st Room.
Discobolus is a celebrated copy of the Discobolus by Myron, found at Castel Porziano, in the hunting park of King Victor Emanuel III°, who presented it to the Museum. The Niobe: one of the daughters of Niobe was struck by arrows. Diana at the moment of falling and trying to wrest the arrow from the wound. The statue, considered an original Greek work of the 5th century B.C., was found among the ruins of Sallustian Gardens. The greatest merit of the statue is the wonderful rendering of the action of falling and the anatomy of the beautiful body; the statue was probably one of the many figures decorating the front of some building and representing the massacre of the daughters and sons of Niobe.
Roman National Museum Diocletian Bath Dancer of the palatine. Official Rome Guide.
A beautiful girl is represented in the act of dancing, dressed with a short robe forming beautiful folds.
2nd Room.
Apollo is one of the gems of the museum and perhaps the best extant representation of this God; the calm and dignified expression of the face recalls the divine majestic beauty of the famous Apollo by Phidias in the great group of Delphi, and it is supposed to be the very good copy of that bronze statue original. It was found in the Tiber broken in many pieces and restored. 3rd Room.
Ephesus of Subiaco. A statue of marvelous beauty, one of the Museum’s most valuable works. The subject it represents is still an unsolved problem; the most probable hypothesis is that it represents one of the children of Niobe, flying from the arrows of Apollo. With the finish and refinement of the bodily forms, the perfect imitation of the softness of the flesh, and the wonderful anatomical Knowledge-make this statue is one of the masterpieces of Greek art preserved until our days. It is attributed to the 4th cent. B.C. and was found at Subiaco, among the ruins of a Villa of Nero. Guide of Rome
Bath of Diocletian Official Rome Private Guided Tours, Rome city Tours.Exit wall:
Bath of Diocletian Official Rome Private Guided Tours, Rome city Tours.Exit wall:
Venus of Cyrene. A work of marvelous beauty and one of the many gems which once enriched the great halls of the thermae in the wealthy city of Cyrene, among the ruins of which the statue was found.

It represents Venus Anadyomene, or Venus coming out from the sea and braiding her hair; another copy of the same Venus, in the fought wing of the cloister, where the head is still preserved, gives a better idea of the subject. The statue belongs to the best period of Greek art (4th cent. B.C.), but unfortunately, the artist’s name is unknown.
According to some authorities, it is an original; for others, it is an ancient Greek copy of some bronze original. Apelles, the Greek painter contemporary of Praxiteles, made a picture of Venus Anadyomene, said to have been inspired by the vision of the beauty of Phyrne, whom the painter was coming out from the sea, entirely nude, on the occasion of a religious ceremony in honor of Neptune. This was held in such great consideration that the picture needed a little restoration when Augustus brought it to Rome to decorate the Temple of Julius Caesar. Still, no artist who would be responsible for repairing it was found all over the Roman world of that period.
Right wall:
Bacchus. A Statue of young Bacchus was found in the vicinity of the “Franesina.” Judging from a coin in the left leg, it is believed to be an Italian work by some artist of the Campania. Remark particularly the eyes made of enamel.
Boxer: A sitting figure of a pugilist at rest, of unusual interest as it allows examining all the details of the boxing gloves (Cestus) used at that time in athletic games. The statue, probably, formed part of a group as is shown by the attitude of the body and expression of the face, which demonstrates clearly that the figure is represented as speaking to somebody in front of him, probably the victor or a “Lanista.”
The artist has rendered with such realistic truth a hero of the Palestra by reproducing the bruises on the nose, mouth, swollen ears, and arms.
On one of the strings of the left hand has recently been found the name of the artist, Apollonius, the son of Nestor the Athenian, the same sculptor of the Torso Belvedere of the Vatican Museum.
Official Rome Guide, Rome city Tours.
7th Room.
Retracting our steps to the Vestibule, we enter on the left the 7th Room containing some fine bronze fragments of the early period of the empire. These ships or floating villas were moored in front of another imperial villa that stretched along the shores of the lake of Nemi on the Albano Hills, the remains of which are still visible.
These fragments were fished out in 1895; thirty-five years later, the lake was dried up, and the two floating villas, after having been fished out, were preserved in a large building built purposely for them on the border of the lake.
Unfortunately, on the night of the 1st of June 1944, the retreating German troops set the two ships on fire. With the few relics that could be saved from destruction, a new museum is being arranged on the shore of the lake. Rome tours and sightseeing.
8th Room.
The 8th room has a mosaic floor in the center representing a shield with the head of medusa and four busts. The best of them is the one on the left representing: Emperor Vespasian, a masterpiece of the Roman portraits on account of the force of expression and character.
Emperor Augustus, in the statue, stands opposite the entrance because of the force of expression and character. Rome expert official tour guides.
Emperor Augustus, in the statue standing opposite the entrance, wears the attire of the Pontifex Maximus.
On the right:
Statue of a Vestal Virgin.
Bath of Diocletian Official Rome Private Guided Tours, Rome city Tours.