Visit Rome, Guided Tours in Rome, information, and Customized Itineraries to Visit the Best Monuments and Museums of the City. Private or Group Guided Tours in Rome
Visit Rome | Taking a complete guided tour of Rome takes work. Still, it is certainly stimulating, given the remarkable evolution of state art and the enormous quantity of visible and open masterpieces for visitors. On the one hand, the excavations and discoveries of recent years have changed history and archeology as we have always known them. On the other hand, the interest in culture and an ever-increasing number of visitors lead us to offer a vast and accurate selection of guided tours of Rome, aiming to help you discover the city, one of the most important in the world at 360 °.
Visit Rome, Guided Tours in Rome, information, and Customized Itineraries to Visit Rome’s most important Monuments and Museums of the City. Private or Group Guided Tours in Rome and the Vatican City
Visit Rome. The peculiarity of Rome, a city characterized by three thousand years of uninterrupted occupation, has helped create the most significant example of a stratified site. This particularity is why visitors are forced to encounter monuments that do not easily follow an orderly path and a historical, architectural, and artistic chronological sense. Rome’s peculiarity is that it is characterized by three thousand years of almost uninterrupted occupation. It has created perhaps the most outstanding example of a stratified site, forcing visitors to encounter monuments that rarely follow a chronological or typological order. How to Visit Rome.
For this reason, Rome can be visited and must be visited, considering this city as a book of which those who are not prepared can only see the cover but not the pages it contains. A visit to Rome must include the historical aspect to clarify the city’s horizontal evolution, with a precise reference to the monuments, considered according to their appearance. At the same time, the description of the pages is entrusted to the actual guide. Sites are still visible in today’s urban fabric, which, for the visitor’s convenience, are divided into four sectors that require at least two days to explore the most important monuments.
Visit Rome, Tours in Rome, information, Rome Customized Itineraries. Private or Group Guided Tours in Rome

The point of view adopted wants to offer a different, so to speak, “overturned” approach. The goal is to make known the history of Rome and the people who inhabited it – famous and unknown – through its monuments. This operation is possible and is particularly compelling precisely because we are not dealing with any city but Rome. (Visit Rome) – In the Urbs, the city par excellence, every temple, every basilica, arch, street, porticos, or aqueduct resulted from a political act. It was intimately linked to those who had wanted to build it.
The buildings, like authentic characters, were celebrated on coins, were listed in public calendars, and even became the subject of satire and poetry, praise and invectives by historians and poets.

Our guided tours are planned to let visitors know about contemporary Rome through its roots. Our tour Guides, just like a compass, will show you points of reference that will help you to clarify, at any moment, the position in time and space of what you are visiting. Visit Rome | In this way, the customer can continuously confront the guide to discover the visible and the invisible or what is less known but still fascinating and important. In our guided tours of Rome, a further element of novelty is the maniacal attention of our staff panning customized itineraries.

Thanks to it, it is possible to adapt each guided tour to the needs and interests of the customer to satisfy every need while maintaining the cultural purpose of the service. How To Visit Rome! Our Guided tours of Rome aimed to show the city as a set of monuments to be analyzed with detachment and in isolation and contemplated according to its human dimension.
Visit Rome, Guided Tours in Rome, information, Customized Itineraries. Private or Group Guided Tours in Rome