Tour in Rome

Tour in Rome
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Private Tours in Rome

Borghese Gallery Rome. This museum is one of Italy’s most important and richest art collections; we offer private guided tours and tickets to visit the collection. Private Guided Tours and Tickets in Rome

The Borghese Gallery Tours is considered the queen of private art collections in Europe. The building was erected at the expense of Card. At the beginning of the 17th century, Scipio Borghese, after Giovanni Vasanzio, was the cardinal’s favorite architect.

The museum initially consisted of many works of art found in the excavations made in the various properties of the Borghese family, especially at Gaby, the ancient Etruscan town. At the beginning of the 19th century Camillo Borghese, who had married Paolina Bonaparte (the Sister of Napoleon I), yielding to the wishes of the Emperor, sold him for 15 million francs (which were never entirely paid) 200 works of art that are now in the Louvre in Paris. After this loss, the prince initiated new excavations and collected various works of art scattered in his villas and palaces. In about 1820 form, the new to replaced the earlier one. Up to 1901, the Gallery and park were the private property of the Borghese family: this year, the Italian government bought the building and the collection for 3.600.000 francs.

Borghese Gallery or Borghese Museum Rome

The Borghese Gallery, one of Italy’s most important and richest art collections, exhibits masterpieces of incredible beauty. In the twenty rooms of the Borghese Gallery (Borghese Museum), you can admire antiques, countless sculptures, and paintings of inestimable value. Among the numerous works you can admire, are Renaissance and Baroque pieces such as the statues “Apollo and Daphne,” the “David “by Bernini, and paintings by Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo Merisi known as Caravaggio, Rubens, and Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino.


The Borghese Gallery Tours – Museum is one of the most visited museums in Rome. It boasts an inexhaustible wealth of works of art unquestionably among the most beautiful in the world.

The building, built in 1600 at the behest of Cardinal Scipione Borghese, is located inside the beautiful park of Villa Borghese, a land, at the gates of Rome, just outside the Aurelian walls, which was purchased many years earlier by the Borghese family.

The Borghese, a wealthy family originally from Siena, reached the pinnacle of power with the election as Pope of Camillo Borghese (1605/1621), the same Pope. Among the many works commissioned and the construction of the current facade of the Basilica of San Pietro, the latter extended the Quirinal Palace, the Pope’s summer residence, and today the presidential palace.

Rome Borghese Gallery Tours – Indeed, among the family’s most influential personalities, we can include the Pope’s nephew, Scipione Borghese. Borghese Gallery | He commissioned the construction of Villa Borghese and created one of the richest art collections in history. In the Gallery Among the principal works exhibited today, we can admire the statues of Paolina Borghese (Antonio Canova), La Verità, David, the Rape of Proserpina, Bust Scipione Borghese, and Bust of Paul V (Gian Lorenzo Bernini). Caravaggio’s paintings; include St. Jerome, David with the Head of Goliath, St. John the Baptist, Young Man with Basket of Fruit, Our Lady of the Palafrenieri, and Sick Bacchus.

Borghese Gallery private tour – Also possible to admire Raphael’s paintings like Lady with Unicorn, Deposition of Christ, and Portrait of a Man. Countless other artists have exhibited their works here: paintings by Danae del Correggio, Amor Sacro, and Amor Profano by Titian, Diana’s Hunt by Domenichino, Lamentation over Dead Christ by Pieter Paul Rubens, etc.

Galleria Borghese is one place not to miss during your holiday in Rome. A perfect place for art lovers, Rome is one of those destinations that all art lovers must include among the places to visit when they come to Rome.

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Tour in Rome
Tour in Rome